Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Its difficult to actually decide whether He is born out of fear, for there are many concepts about God around us. Different people think of Him at different levels.

After all, for all that we can comprehend, God is just a concept, a concept that is very hard to give up. You may question it, fight it, but it will cling on to you. An atheist is a person who questions the existence of God but not somebody who is not aware of the concept in the first place. The fact that an atheist spends so much time on it is maybe his mind likes the idea but is not totally convinced. May be if somebody gave him a description of God that convinced him, something he could relate to and also help him understand the world better then maybe he will turn into a believer.

I feel when such a concept finds several takers, it turns into a sect and then a religion. New religions were born when somebody did not like the existing God Concept and went ahead and formed his own. Hebrews- Jews- Christianity/Islam. Hinduism-Buddhism-Jainism-Lingayat, you name it. Many many examples if you look for it.

For me what is interesting is, why is the God concept so essential to our lives. That we spend so much time making sense of it points to the fact that a) it definitely has some value in our life

b) it is the outcome (by product) of evolution, the mind can work best in a given way and in that design that hardwiring includes thoughts about god.

The first case would be interesting to study, if important for survival, at what level-individual/ society. When a man’s dependency on society is to such an extent, can we in any way dissect out the two? One of the outcomes of the second instance is that one could survive without this concept. But how can one test this? From the moment a individual is born he is exposed to this concept. Can we create a situation wherein a child is kept oblivious to this concept and see how it would develop? It would be unethical.

But then lets say, this concept was created by man himself, then at some point in the history of man the concept would have been absent. Then may be study of history and the present day evolution of the concept could be give us indirect answers.

What is my take on it? God Concept has definite survival value—both at the individual level and society level. The quality of an individuals life depends on the quality of the society—the quality of the society depends on the quality of life of the individual. Since the knowledge of right and wrong are inherent in the God Concept, belief in existence of God leads an individual to stick to the right path in adverse situations. This act leads to the betterment of the society (of course at the cost of the individual). It’s the con of living in a herd, the probability that anyone deer would be the prey of the hunting lions is lowered when living in a herd. The chances however that the deer gets killed is never zero. So it comes to be that an individual decides to take this chance hoping that other individuals are also equally willing to make the sacrifice when required and thus increase his chances of living in a better society. This is easier to follow when you have belief in God- the protector of the right! The species survival is the driving force.

Secondly life is not easy----in society or wild and one would die (that’s inevitable). Would one like to take the pains knowing that the death is certain( its amazing that we are quite aware of this fact, do other animals know? If they do, how do they deal with it?)? Believing that our lives are not in vain—believing that we are here for a purpose---makes life worth while, does not it?

Well I have stopped questioning the existence of God! I have accepted the fact that man has not conquered the Nature. We are still in its captivity…………….Can we beat the urge to survive, to reproduce to keep going on inspite of all the hurdles we face? No………we just try to find better ways of doing it………the SPECIES MUST SURVIVE!

I do whatever is necessary for that------The traditional way or the modern way---Virtue is Wisdom (Aristotle)!

I believe in GOD at times when its difficult for me to comprehend the on goings in life, when nothing makes sense—I do it because it helps me survive, because I cannot beat the urge to SURVIVE!

All this writing and I could cover only one aspect of believing in GOD! Beliefs out there force us to think that this is not the END!


  1. Well I don't know you but I happened to read this post (landed here from Indira's blog)

    After reading this post I couldn't resist but comment. Sorry in any case.
    I was quite absorbed while I was reading this post and my thoughts were racing.
    Like you(and probably, many others) I too had similar kind of thoughts and I could associate with this post.

    Especially, the thought of preventing a newly born to get exposed to this 'God Concept' and testing how he would live..

    Good piece of thought and well written too.

  2. Hi Nuthan,
    Thank you! And please feel free to comment!

  3. "belief in existence of God leads an individual to stick to the right path in adverse situations"

    I do not fully agree with the above-pasted line in your article. It is fully possible that
    i) a person who does not believe in God might stick to the right path in adverse situations
    ii) a believer in God might follow wrong paths in such situations

    If what you said was true, considering that the majority of people are theists most people should be following the right paths. Do they?

    P.S. Good article. Gives one plenty to think about

  4. Let me first commend you on your post.:-)

    Like Nuthan said, these thoughts have come to my mind too, about the concept of God and the intricate patterns of how we as individuals, and also as being part of society, are an inherent part of this existence and of human species in general.

    There could be many lines of thought on the concept of "god"...and how it came into play.

    The thoughts you have written are credible and sensible. But then again I agree with Igor. A God believer may not necessarily follow the "right" path. One sees so many examples !!

    Again...what is right & what is wrong, is so very relative. Who is to decide what is right or wrong?

    Our thoughts & arguments and theories are based on what we know,and knowledge is never complete.

    Life is a learning process in the first place. Everyday & minute is a learning experience. BUt it depends on the individuals capacity how much he can soak & learn. Some people dont...some people learn some...some people learn more.

    It depends on each person individually how to apply or not apply the concept of GOD...whther in the traditional sense or the modern.

    But hey....thanks for wrting & sharing your thoughts once again.

    Will surely contribute more whenever i get the time. Writing isnt my forte though. haha

    Cheers !

  5. Hi Igor,
    Thank You!

    I do not agree with you totally...

    Most people do follow the right path......or have a conscience nagging at the back of their head telling them what they did is wrong! And from what I have observed around me it is because they believe in God.
    Coming to the point--what is a right path---that's a difficult question to answer- that's the reason I guess many people keep going to their religious heads--who are supposed to be the best in this field--they have to keep re-interpreting their religious texts in present day contexts so that the followers do not do wrong! Now its when they fail to do so that a whole group of theists seem to have taken the wrong path!and head towards their doom!
    Atheists do not do wrong, good ones that is! Not at all--infact they are in a way quality keepers of the the this right path thing! Wise theists always respect good athiests!
    The knowledge of a right path in itself is not dependent on belief in GOD! But The God concept somehow gets people to adhere to it!

    That is what I was trying to convey with that sentence! Was not so effective in that I guess!

    And this is what I feel! May be completely wrong! or right in some respects!

  6. Hi Mama,
    I guess, I have tried to answer the questions Igor raised! Kindly go through it and let me know what you feel!
    Anyways, at some level, the god concept makes us think! That is what I wanted to get across!
    And I have succeeded, to some extent (people are replying with their thoughts)....the idea is to keep the thinking up........agreement is not the goal!

  7. Believing in God is also not the final goal!

  8. A lot of things in your reply make sense, and maybe you're right that the sentence in the post didn't explain things well. Your interpretations regarding religious heads make a lot of sense, as does the note about a nagging conscience. I admit I've thought on these lines before.

    But then! my opinion is that it is saddening that some people have to fear God to keep moving in the right path, when it is perfectly possible to do that without the God concept, thinking of your free will.

    and, regarding this,
    (Atheists do not do wrong, good ones that is)
    the way one defines good and bad is likely to be blurred when one gets older, and travels the world much more. After all, who can find a perfect person anwhere?

  9. Hi Igor,
    Yes, I agree that with age and experience one becomes kinder and less judgemental! My parents are more forgiving then me! But I am not there yet...therefore may be I am not able to fully comprehend it! (I am kinder then what I was before but that's only a slight change)
    I believe although one may stop being judgemental.....the definitions of good and bad cannot change!
    Ideal person may not exist but its easier to go astray when we act in absence of the knowledge of what would be the ideal behaviour!
    Are all believers afraid of GOD?

  10. We must keep in mind that everything changes...nothing is static is essentially fluid, volatile, continuously evolving, changing...

    So like Igor has said, which i tend to agree with is, the way one defines good & bad also blurrs and changes (with age...maybe because one has learned & observed more).

    We cannot keep anything rigid if we are to learn. So also what is good & bad too changes.

    What may have been considered good in the olden times, may not be accpeted as good in the modern era, and what is considered good in the modern world may well be bad in the olden times...

    Having said that, there is a general acceptance by the majority of people living in this world about what is good and what is bad i suppose. But a non judgemental mind would always question and seek more. Cause all good and bad things are defined by men & society.

    Like Igor said we have to encourage the development of the free mind, without being judgemental. But then again, there are pros & cons to this concept too.

    Interesting topic u have started though.

    Cheers !

  11. I guess, what you are referring to the good and bad of prior years not the same as that for with respect to the practices how people go about actually realising what is good!Of course they would change as the environment changes! But there is a concept of good beyond our daily practices which does not change and it is this thing that guides us when we try to give up old practices which have become redundant (they have stopped bringing out the good which they were deviced to in the first place!)
    Therefore the definition of good and bad does not change......

  12. I have few questions at this point
    a)Do you all think that everybody who beleives in god and is good, is because they are afraid of God? (that they might be punished by Him?)
    b)Does the non-judgemental mind stop distinguishing between the good and bad
    c) Or having distinguished decides not to punish/be harsh?

    I think it does distinguish but decides not to punish
    Old people who have lost this ability to distinguish are harmful to the society......I am not classifying them as kind! I am talking of those who not having lost this ability have gained the insight that in the real world people and things work far below the ideal standards and not always due to their own fault..and hence give wrong-doers the benefit of doubt! There are others having seen how the consequences of bad actions act to weed out the bad in people as they grow up, decide to forgive! There are other varieties of these which would fall under 'non-judgemental-kind classification'
    But not those who have lost the ability altogether...not everybody ages in the same way!
    I have nothing against these people..but they are not people who should be consulted in these aspects!

  13. For me what is interesting is, why is the God concept so essential to our lives. That we spend so much time making sense of it points to the fact that
    a) it definitely has some value in our life

    b) it is the outcome (by product) of evolution, the mind can work best in a given way and in that design that hardwiring includes thoughts about god

    A link which discusses some of these points!(Thanks Rashmi for giving me this link!)

  14. hmm...the battle of intellectuals is good to see..
    When a blogger expresses something( it 'A' )..then it doesn't mean he/she is ruling out another point 'B' : )
    So, everyone's view point is valid in its own way.
