Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why is it so?

I once grew a flower

A thing of beauty

Unparalleled pure

I put it on a window sill

And saw it wither

Maligned and withered

I hated it so

I let it die

In the cellar low

A thing of pride

brought so low

Many a flower since then

Have I grown

Not one shown

None brought so low!

Can anyone tell me,

Why is it so?


  1. If this is one of your composition then, 'Very Well Done' ..
    Expression of one's own feeling in a poetic sense and most importantly 'drawing parallels' makes this composition an excellent one..

  2. Thank You!
    All poems in this blog are mine!

  3. Oh that's wonderful to know.. Very nice indeed. I read a few other poems too.. very nicely written.. I appreciate your creative outflow of thoughts.. and I reckon you have a strong hold on your mind.. Keep going !!
