Saturday, October 20, 2012

Of Turing Machines, Universal Reproducing Constructors and the Soul!

It’s said that one does not learn anything new; it’s just the connecting of dots in the head! If one has to describe the experience of attending Sydney Brenner’s The ICTS Turing Centenary Lecture, it has to be described as learning!  
“We swim in the sea of information thirsting for knowledge!”  in Sydney’s words- present day study of biology cannot be described any better. So what do we do? How do we proceed further?  Study under a theoretical framework! What should the frame work be? How will it look like? Think of biological systems as a Turing machine he said! A universal machine, to be precise it is a universal constructing machine. A universal machine is a machine which when given a description can carry out all the basic functions the model machine it is designed after does. Computers are the implementation of this concept. A universal constructor (proposed by von Neumann) is also a machine which has a description about building machines in its self image.  And if one wants a reproducing universal constructor one has to put in a description which makes it pass on the entire description it has to the machine it has constructed! It’s a concept, and according to Sydney, it fits biological systems very well. So, biological systems behave as universal reproducing constructors. The description that they carry exists in the form of the genetic material. Since storage is not a limiting factor in these systems, life has over years of evolution by trial and error found solutions in the form of combinations of proteins, variations in proteins and stored all these in its genetic material. It looks up the appropriate solution when faced with a problem. Just like looking up a logarithmic table.  And just like in the logarithmic table the data is huge and needs to be stored and is stored! Adding much to the chagrine of biologists! For this means that all proteins must be looked up, all its variations known, their interaction with substrates understood with respect to the subtle differences that each one has with the substrate, their interactions partners studied in all kinds of situations possible and all variations included. These have to be meticulously done and the data must be precise, no mistakes allowed. For all these will go into making a table, a matrix let’s say, so that one just has to look up the solution, just like a biological system does!  When such a table is drawn, one expects to see modules of interaction emerging which will simplify the picture a bit. For, he says that the complexity of biological systems is built using simple modules. So, how is the study that is conducted these days different from what is expected by Sydney. It is, he says, that the goal of constructing a matrix is lost upon people. A framework is missing! The information churned out is also not dependable for it contains a lot of errors. It is his belief that having a framework will help weed out the useless data and useful data will emerge out adding to knowledge. He also thinks that biological systems do not work in defined pathways, rather every molecule acts as a messenger and a receiver. Its next step defined on the go rather than being predetermined. So, rather than building defined pathways, which forms the thrust of most biological studies these days, it is best to look for the important interaction partners and the condition in which they interacted.
So life forms are, according to Sydney, Turing machines, but unlike any other machine built by humans, for they are the only machines around which carry in them a description of how to build themselves! And unlike machines which are built for durability, they are built to carry on!  They work with satisfactory solutions and are not optimised for best functioning! For if one got destroyed another could be built!
It was a truly befitting talk to commemorate the birth centenary of Alan Turing who laid the mathematical foundations of the computation field. Subjectively speaking, it joined a lot of dots in my head. Some biological and some not so biological! For I remembered the concept of soul remaining undestroyed, passing on from body to body! What Sydney calls the ‘description’ could it be called the soul? I am sure Sydney would disagree for he thinks that life is a process of evolving modules giving rise to complex phenomenon, a culmination of random trial and errors. Soul has a purpose, to find and understand itself! In this direction it moves! Sydney would vehemently disagree but I cannot help compare the two! For are we not a reflection of our souls, trying to understand the where from to where forth of our existence?
(I have reproduced the examples that Sydney Brenner used during the lecture in the way that I understood them. I thought that his ideas were best conveyed by his examples!) 


  1. "the concept of existence of soul, soul remaining undestroyed, passing on from body to body!" - Exciting questions to understand scientifically..

  2. Info flying overhead.. my basics aren't good enough to assimilate this content. Will read again.

  3. I still remember how completely engrossed you were in Sydney's talk... nice post :)

  4. Nicely written :-) I couldn't attend the talk, but I guess I got the gist and more :-)

  5. @ Kaly, MM and Aswani, thanks for the positive comments.
    @ Nuthan, if there is anything that I can say to make the post better, any clarifications or any points that need elaboration, please let me know. Would love to improve the post! :)
